The Constitution
for the United States of America


by John Spencer

"No Human Law is of any Validity,
if Contrary to the Law of God."

1 Blackstone Comm. 40


One of the great tactics of war is to use propaganda and fear to reeducate and alter the thinking of your enemies. Goliath used this tactic against the Israelites in the Old Testament. He caused so much fear in the camp of Israel by his words alone that no one would go out to battle against him. There is a large population in the United States who remember the words of Nikita Kruschev,

"We will take over the United States without firing a shot. Your children will live under communism!"

An old and time tested tactic. Many of us remember the "cold war" which allegedly ended with the breakup of the Soviet Union. Kruschev was right, the children of those living when he made his statement, now live under communism in the United States. The take over of our nation however, began long ago.

One must respect an enemy who has the cunning to convince a nation that a new kind of law was given to the American people, a law never before used in the history of the world. The basis of this new law was "WE THE PEOPLE." It was not easy to convince the people in the 13 colonies that the Constitution of the United States was needed to make our nation successful. Many fought against it to the very end. Benjamin Franklin when asked by a woman, "What kind of government have you given us?" Replied, "A Republic Madam, if you can keep it!" When reading the definitions of this word Republic, confusion sets in to those who can still read. "Our Republic is not like those we read about in history, it is a Representative Republic," they say. Imagine an enemy so cunning, it has convinced the American people they have been free, while enslaving us.

Our historians tell us the Constitution is "a God-inspired document." Our historians tell us that America was founded to be the "melting pot of the world." Modern language would define the United States as the "most cosmopolitan country in the world." It's true, we have more races of people living in this nation than perhaps any nation in the world. We have allowed, through the Constitution, every culture and religion on the face of the earth to come to America and flourish.

The "law of the land" may not be what we believe. Were our founding fathers operating on biblical principles or were they led by "the love of money?" Have we accepted a "bill of goods" from our enemies and been taken over by a cunning plan called the Constitution of the United States? Thinking we have been free for over 200 years, has our Constitution now made us slaves?

You decide.


It is important to know the people behind any plan. During the last 20 years the media has attempted to slander the "good names" of many of our founding fathers. Quite an uproar resulted in the conservative community when Hollywood and television made some of these men look like perverts, rather than men of God who gave us our "law of the land." Their accounts of these men are mere speculation and it would be good to remember the words of Napoleon when reading and listening to any account of history.

"History is nothing more than agreed upon lies."

The word of God says,

"The love of money, is the root of all evil
(I Tim. 6:10)
"the borrower is slave to the lender."
(Proverbs 22:7)

Our nation was founded upon the "love of money" and "debt." In 1716, the Mississippi River region of the United States was owned by France. John Law of Scotland established the General Bank in France. He issued through this bank, freshly printed paper called "banknotes." Yes, just like our Federal Reserve notes.The government of France made these banknotes legal tender and the bank flourished by lending these notes at interest. In August 1717, the General Bank absorbed the Louisiana Company. This new company was given the trading rights over the tremendous land area drained by the Mississippi, Ohio and Missouri Rivers and also trading rights in Canada. In 1718 the General Bank changed its name to "Royal Bank" to give it a better image. The king of France guaranteed the bank notes issued by the Royal Bank. It was a true conglomerate.

Another conglomerate was formed about this time called the "Western Company." This company was a rival to the Royal Bank and Louisiana Company. This new company absorbed the East India, Oriental and China Companies. The king of France gave this newly formed company the rights to "collect taxes" and a monopoly of the mint and coin issue under the condition they take over the national debt of France. Sound familiar?

The next thing to happen almost surpasses belief. The two companies merged! The price of the stock of the new company went out of sight. The merchants and farmers of France mortgaged their homes, farms and businesses to buy stock.

When John Law announced his plan to take the gold backing off the banknotes, long lines formed to exchange the banknotes for a meager supply of gold. When the gold ran out, the windows were closed and the homes, farms and businesses of the French people went to the usury bankers. The bankers now had a toehold in America!

England assisted the 13 colonies of America in their war with the French and Indians. THEY LENT THE COLONIES MONEY AT INTEREST TO FIGHT THIS WAR. This was another violation of God's law. (Exodus 22:25, Mt. 25:27) In 1764 the Stamp Act was passed on the colonies to recoup some of this usury loaned money. The colonies revolted, they had no money to make repayment. In 1770 Virginia passed anti-slavery laws. The King of England gave instructions to His governor in Virginia that no such laws would be allowed. The King desperately needed his share of the slave trade profits to pay his own usury debts.

By 1775, the balance of trade between the colonies of America and England was dramatic. The colonies owed English merchants L-4, 800,000. The imposition of usury into this trade imbalance, made war with England inevitable. Unpayable debt was the cause. The colonies were enslaved. Virginia was in poverty. Why? "The borrower is slave to the lender."

The colonies were in a self inflicted and long planned bankers trap. In 1776, the Declaration of Independence was written to seek independence from England. The colonies were heavily in debt and did not have the means to fight a war. What did they do? They borrowed money of course! From whom did they borrow? Bankrupt France, who else!2

The resulting "war" with England was "won" by the colonies, but while they won the war, the battle was lost, because "the borrower is slave to the lender."

Who were the men who led us to "victory" over England and forged a "new nation by writing the Constitution of the United States? A majority of them were...lawyers. Forty of them held government bonds. Fourteen were land speculators. Twenty-four of them made their living lending money at interest. Eleven were involved in mercantile, manufacturing or shipping. Fifteen owned slaves.3 Do not confuse these men with those who signed the Declaration of Independence. Only Roger Sherman of Connecticut, Robert Morris, George Clymer, James Wilson and Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania, and George Read of Delaware, signed both.

Several of our founding fathers were in the back pockets of the usury bankers. In 1781, the private Bank of Pennsylvania was formed. It later became the Bank of North America. Among those who were able to get in on the original subscription of this bank were:

(1) Benjamin Franklin,
(2) Thomas Jefferson,
(3) Alexander Hamilton,
(4) James Monroe,
(5) John Jay,
(6) John Paul Jones,
(7) Commodore John Barry.

In 1935, this bank took over the National Bank of the Danish W. Indies based in London."

In 1784, the Bank of New York was founded. This bank was a creation of Alexander Hamilton of New York whose backers were reputed to be the Rothchilds and the Bank of England.

In 1787, the Constitution was fittingly put together in Philadelphia, the home of the Bank of North America. Hamilton and his backers wrote the original document for the Constitution, to the dismay of most of the attendees of the meeting. Many were horrified that an entirely new kind of government was being formulated, when in fact they had been sent only to revise the Articles of Confederation. Patrick Henry, himself a lawyer, went home to fight against the Constitution. Like so many of our present day pieces of legislation, out of 62 delegates, only 39 signed the final document. Through the efforts of Hamilton, who wrote the majority of the Federalist Papers, the people were finally convinced that the Constitution would, if the people were "vigilant," safeguard their liberties. John Jay, another writer of the Federalists Papers, later became Secretary of State under President John Adams. It was discovered that Jay had made a secret treaty with England to pay war reparations to our defeated foe.2 All in a days work! It was a great con job foisted upon a nation of people. The banks were in, the people and their properties were out!

In 1789, Washington was elected President. He gave Hamilton the appointment as Secretary of the Treasury. The fox was now guarding the hen house. Two years later Hamilton created the First Bank of the United States. It was a private bank to which all of the new governments money was entrusted. The successor to this bank was the Second Bank of the United States. When it went bankrupt 50 years later, it was found that 64% of the banks 25,000 shares were owned by foreigners. Many were British!

In 1794, taxes forced Pennsylvania farmers to revolt. Washington did what all rulers do when a country is in debt to the bankers. He sent thousands of Federal troops to crush the rebellion. He did to his own people what he had led his people to revolt against in the war with England. 2 But then the bankers must be paid.

Thomas Jefferson who signed the Declaration of Independence, but fought against the Constitution and who in fact left the country during its inception, thinking that without him it did not stand a chance of being passed; in 1806, as President of the United States, signed into effect the Articles of War which provided for International Law venue in America.

In passing the information contained in this essay to many throughout our nation, I have been assailed with threats and called every name you can think of, by men who are "Christian patriots." A few, less threatening, have suggested that I should look less at the fallible men who wrote the words and more at the "intent" of the words of the Constitution. With the examples of the fallible men in this short essay, and there are many more, how should this be answered? I know of only one way and that is to take the actions of these men into account in determining their intent!


I remember watching a "MASH" television show years ago. An injured soldier was desperate to talk to someone about not being sent back into the war. A doctor said,

"Would you like to speak to our priest?"
The soldier replied, "No, I'm an atheist."
The doctor responded, "I don't believe that."
"It's true," said the soldier, "I swear to God!"
Was the soldier an atheist?

Is the Constitution a document designed for our freedom?

Many people still say the Constitution is a God inspired document. Yet God is never mentioned in the Constitution. The people were in such fear of the Constitution, that the 10 Amendments became mandatory before their fears were quelled. The die had already been cast. The flexible, easily changed Constitution was in place.

Few people ever examine words for what they actually say. Most prefer to take the word of those they "trust," rather than look for themselves. It is a fatal mistake. The godless Constitution has become "our fearful taskmaster," as Washington himself once described government. Have you ever wondered why the ability to alter the Constitution was important to us? Article V allows both the Congress, whenever two-thirds of both houses deem it necessary, or, on the Application of two-thirds of the several states, to propose Amendments to the Constitution. The legal "experts" tell us it is important, because of social and economic changes that might take place. We can understand how this may benefit power brokers, but how could it possibly benefit the people of this nation? It doesn't! Law cannot be changed.

The bankers were well-taken care of with the Constitution. Article VI makes all previous debts as valid under the Constitution, as under the Confederation. This was for the bankers, not us. They even had a special International Debt Jurisdiction put in to our original Constitution. It is found in Article III, Section 2 and is called admiralty and maritime. This special international legal jurisdiction was for the bankers, not us. The bankers, mostly anti- Christ, in Article VI, also made sure that none of their boys and girls in either house could be given any sort of religious test that might keep them out of office. Article I, Section 10, takes away the state's ability to argue with the bankers and their contracts. This clause guaranteeing the obligation of Contracts was not put there for us, it was placed there for the bankers. WE THE PEOPLE did not write the Constitution. That's what we are "told" and what most people "believe," but the truth is the Constitution was written by an elite few who have convinced us that we wrote a contract that "limits" government!

There is a false notion in the Patriot community today, which is teaching that the Constitution of the United States has been suspended. There are some fine men and women teaching this concept. Consider this: The Constitution was put into place for international bankers. It allows the President, when two-thirds of the Senate concurs, to make international treaties. Treaties are an EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE! The Senators were originally chosen by the individual state legislators and sent to Washington, D.C. to represent state's rights. [Article I, Section 3] International treaties affect states rights and the people who live there. NAFTA IS A GOOD EXAMPLE! In 1913, the Constitution was amended to allow WE THE PEOPLE to elect the Senators! The 17th Amendment cleared the way for the removal of state's rights and removed the only obstacle to easy ratification of treaties PROPOSED BY THE PRESIDENT.

Since treaties become part of the Constitution and "the law of the land," do you think the enemies of freedom may have used this UNLIMITED AMENDMENT PROCESS to alter the course of our nation? Of course they did! Have you ever read the hundreds of treaties our Presidents and Senate have made with other nations? Did you know that the United Nations is a Treaty Agreement and as a signatory nation the United States is bound by its dictates and that it is part of our Constitution? Yes, when any elected official takes his/her oath of office to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, that oath includes treaties! Let me quote it for you. ARTICLE VI, paragraph 2,

"This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land, and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution of laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding."

In 1954, a Senate Report verified the UN Treaty was the Supreme Law of the Land. The editorial is mine.

THE Supreme Law of the United States!

"The charter of the United Nations has become the supreme law of the land and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution, or laws of any state notwithstanding."
(-- Senate Document #87, page 287;
'The Review of the Charter of the United Nations,'
January 7, 1954.)

(Pocket Constitution)

The UN Treaty and all other treaties are included in the Constitution of the United States. Our little pocket Constitution needs to be expanded by at least a hundred feet, perhaps several hundred feet to include all of the treaties signed by our President and Senate! [Article II, Section 1, Article VI; US Constitution] This fact has been overlooked by most people in the study of the Constitution.

We have been deceived by the enemies of freedom in Christ, to accept the mere words of men. We have been parroting mere words for over 200 years and have never understood those words are lies. It is time to set rhetoric aside and look at the actual words of the Constitution and understand, once and for all; the Constitution is an anti-Christ document, designed to destroy the Rights our God has given us. War was not declared upon the people of the United States by FDR, that war began even before the Constitution was ratified.

The UN Treaty and all other current treaties, are as much a part of the Constitution as the Bill of Rights. The Bill of "Rights" is nothing more than a carrot held before the masses, to deceive us into thinking WE THE PEOPLE reserved certain Rights to ourselves and to the states. The deceivers knew they had the Power in the very words of the original Constitution, to remove any such Rights by the treaty making authority of the Constitution. These same Privileges are used by our enemies every day in the courts across America, to mock us.

The UN Treaty was the final blow needed to remove any semblance of our so-called Rights. As noted by the U.S. Senate Report, the UN Treaty "is the Supreme Law of the United States." It is now the ruling law of our nation. The mere words of men however, keep defending the Constitution. One man has written,

"No person can be loyal to the Constitution of the US and uphold the Charter of the UN."

This man, like so many others, does not understand that the UN Treaty is part of the Constitution! In other words, if you are loyal to the Constitution, you must be loyal to the UN Treaty. This same man has written,

"Support by the UN by government officials and employees is a violation of their oaths."

This is a lie.

Their oath includes "all treaties made." Treaties are the "supreme law of the land." We must stop listening to mere words. -end of editorial-

There you are folks, treaties are the law of the land and every judge is bound by them! Someone has said, "Any law repugnant to the Constitution is invalid." Treaties are not repugnant to the Constitution. They may be repugnant to individual rights, but not the Constitution. All we have to do is go to their courts, in front of their judges and attempt to claim our rights! What a joke. WHEN WE LOSE WE GO TO THEIR JAILS!

Are treaties under THE Common Law, Equity or Admiralty and Maritime jurisdiction of the Constitution? You guessed right if you said Admiralty and Maritime. It is the same legal jurisdiction that our founding fathers discovered in their day. Remember the Declaration of Independence?

"He [the King] has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation."

Then our founding fathers placed this same foreign jurisdiction into our Constitution. Who for? The bankers.


It is almost fruitless to discuss how the Constitution itself is the very source of tyranny that has beset our nation. It is an any god document and has been used by every religion in this nation and been successful with the "unbiased" Supreme Court. The Constitution is like water poured into a cavern. It levels itself with current religious thought, including atheism, homosexuality and the murder of the unborn. Yes, it also would protect Christianity, if Christians had the guts to defend their God as do the godless. The final authority in this document is "WE THE PEOPLE" and We People worship every god under the sun of our Creator! This is SOP [Standard Operating Procedure] for God's people. When we "walk after our own thoughts," (Isaiah 65:2) God brings His wrath against us. Look at the First Commandment with me.

"Thou shall have no other gods before Me."

Later in His word we discover these gods are fictitious, they don't even exist! Why would He warn us about gods that don't exist? The answer is simple. Men, acting under pretense, bring these gods alive to control WE THE PEOPLE. These men then are the true gods who by force of arms if necessary, keep WE THE PEOPLE in subjection to that which is false! "And we do love it so."

We truly deserve what God has brought against us for our sins against Him. Our "law of the land" eliminated God and His laws, statues and judgements from the original colonies. Yes, the laws of the thirteen colonies came straight out of the word of God. Verses were quoted in their entirety, as their laws. It was obedience to these laws which brought about the great success of the colonies as a blessing from God. Henry was right! "What was the emergency that required such a radical change?" The colonies had just defeated the mightiest army on the face of the earth! Why did they need to change their laws? It was changed for the bankers.

Some 80 years later, under the Constitution and as a curse from God, the grandchildren of our founding fathers killed each other by the hundreds of thousands in the ungodly Civil War. President Lincoln declared Martial Law as this war began and among other so-called unconstitutional acts, gave three individuals in NEW YORK CITY, $2 Million dollars from the treasury of the United States!3 Many Americans still brag about World War I, II, the Korean War, Vietnam War, the invasion of Panama and Gulf War, never knowing that had our founding fathers retained the law of God as "the law of the land," most, if not all of these wars would not have occurred. We now live in a nation that has more murders, rapes, etc., than any nation on earth. What kind of prosperity would prevail in our nation today if God's law had been honored and obeyed for the last 200 years? Only God knows, but He is a forgiving God. He asks only that we repent [change our mind] and return to Him and His laws, then, He will "heal our land. " (II Chron. 7:14)


Much history has been written about the Roman Empire. What is not generally known about this empire is that the original "Roman Civil Law" was a codification of Bible laws and precepts! Like the original 13 colonies of our nation, Rome became very prosperous under these laws. Over the years, this law was altered and replaced. As a result, the people became debauched, the government became corrupt and Rome became the most cosmopolitan [racially, religiously and culturally mixed] city in the world! It is no more an empire. Before it was over, the people of the empire had accepted homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle and indeed, like the United States today, many of its leaders were homosexuals. The likeness of the Roman Empire to the great empire of the United States is startling. Someone has written,"

"If there is one thing we learn from history, it is that we do not learn from history."

Charles Weisman, in his book "A Handbook of Bible Law,"4 states on Page 11,

"A rather recent doctrine which theologians and preachers have been espousing is that the laws laid down in the Old Testament were only a temporary arrangement and that the advent of Jesus Christ made them all null and void. This false doctrine has a great appeal to the carnal nature of man, as it relieves him of responsibility allowing him to completely act according to his will rather than the will of God. Yet when men act according to their will or carnal nature, committing adultery, theft, drunkenness, etc., these same preachers in their hypocrisy start to preach against the "sin" they are committing. What is sin but "the transgression of the law" (I John 3:4? . If one says there is no law that we are under then they are saying there is no sin, and they "make God a liar" (I John 1:10)."

This theology eventually won out in the Roman Empire. It was a prevailing theology in the time of Christ. It is a prevailing theology in the United States today and if not corrected, will result in the further destruction of our great country.


The balance of this study will focus on what God's word says about the establishment of civil government. Specifically, we will cover the selection of civil officers and judges. The success of this process is always based upon self government and the family unit or individual obedience to God's law. The apostle Paul captured the essence of a Godly civil government in Romans 13:4. "For he (civil officer) is a minister of God to you for execute wrath upon him that does evil."


"Moreover thou shall provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness, and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties..."(Exodus 18:21).

The qualifications are very simple. To hold public office or trust an individual must:

  1. Be an able man.
  2. Must fear God.
  3. Must be a man of truth.
  4. Must hate covetousness.

Notice the "outward appearance" of a man is not mentioned. Neither is his ability to sway the masses with his rhetoric. These men must desire truth and justice, rather than the prestige of office. They are to fear God, rather than other men or special interest groups.

Few, if any men with these qualifications run for public office today. The media would slaughter them and most non-thinking Christians would not vote for them anyway. Yet these are God's qualifications to hold public office. Think for a moment. Why would God have eliminated these qualifications, because of the advent of Jesus Christ? It doesn't make sense, does it? Well, God did not eliminate these qualifications. Our public office holders are all of the evidence we need to show us how wrong the preachers are today.

Thinking about these qualifications would be a start to our return to God and His law. The Constitution will not save us, only our Holy God and our obedience to His law can bring this about. "He is our King, He is our only lawgiver, only He will save us ..." (Isaiah 33:22)

My thanks to the Christian patriots from whom I have learned about man's law. Were it not for this knowledge I would never have been able to filter it through the law of God and found it false. My prayer is to live and see the day when men will be willing to die for their family and Christian brothers, because it is right before our Most Holy God and His law and not for the Constitution which has led us to war after ungodly war.

As Christians we blame everyone in this world for the problems that surround us. We have failed to look into the mirror. There we will find our true enemy. By becoming "friends with the world, we have become the enemy of our God." II Chronicles 7:14 calls for a new beginning and is an appropriate way to end this essay.

"When My people, upon whom MY NAME IS INVOKED, kneel and pray, and seek My presence, and turn from their wicked courses, then I will listen, and forgive their sins, AND WILL RESTORE HEALTH TO THEIR LAND." (Ferrar Fenton Translation, emphasis mine)



1 War Cycles/Peace Cycles
by Richard Kelly Hoskins
The Virginia Publishing Company
P.O. Box 997
Lynchburg, Virginia 24505

2 Constitution: Fact or Fiction
by Dr. Eugene Schroeder with Micki Nellis
Buffalo Creek Press
P.O. Box 2424
Cleburne, Texas 76031

3 Erwin Rommel School of Law

4 A Handbook of Bible Law
by Charles Weisman
Weisman Publications
11751 W. River Hills Dr. #107
Burnsville, Minnesota 55337